Two-Year Osteopath Diploma Program

Our diploma program in osteopathy combines a comprehensive blend of osteopathic philosophy, theory, methodology, technique and clinical application. The curriculum is presented under the guidance of the college’s faculty in a classroom setting.

Following an osteopathic directed overview of the relevant anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the area under study, a significant portion of each class is then devoted to the hands-on application, practice and reinforcement of osteopathic palpation coupled with the application of theory and relevant corresponding osteopathic therapeutic techniques.

The program consists of 1750 hours classroom study followed by 500 hours of supervised clinical internship, total 2250 hours, will be finished in two years in full time basis, or three to four years in part-time basis.

First Semester - CoursesCreditHours
Human Anatomy380
Models of Health and Diseases190
Philosophy & History of Osteopathy260
Clinical Biomechanics255
Health Psychology180
Clinical Nutrition160
Physical and Clinical Examination360
Communication & Interviewing240

Second Semester - CoursesCreditHours
Neuro-Anatomy & Neurology260
Clinical Pathology260
Orthopedic Diagnosis380
Osteopathic Techniques I390
Soft Tissue Techniques360
Laboratory Tests & Imaging150
Clinical Applications I360
Clinical Documentation280

Third Semester - CoursesCreditHours
Radiology Basic290
Osteopathic Diagnosis260
Osteopathic Techniques II380
Clinical Applications II360
Therapeutic Exercise260
Practice Management250
Emergency & First Care160
Safety & Professional Ethics330
Problem-Solving & Reasoning160

Fourth Semester - CoursesCreditHours
Supervised Clinical Practice24500